Blue Robot - Development of a robot that automates the warehouse

Norwegian company Blue Robot AS has developed advanced technology for efficient automation of goods flow. The solution only requires a stable surface, a ceiling height of four meters, power, and internet. This makes it easy for smaller retail businesses to adopt warehouse automation.
“Our goal was to develop robotic picking technology that is easy to install, highly reliable, and, most importantly, effective for a customer base that previously didn’t have access to warehouse automation,” says Arnor Jonasson, CEO of Blue Robot AS.
In collaboration with Cody, Blue Robot focused on time and cost as the leading parameters in developing a robust technology that relies on advanced artificial intelligence.
“The solution uses standardized components of the highest quality, ensuring extremely stable operation. Additionally, we’ve consistently focused on making the systems compatible with the customer’s existing software and hardware, enabling efficient installation and minimizing investment costs,” Jonasson explains.

Quick Setup
The storage cube is easily assembled in the customer’s facilities, requiring only a stable surface, a ceiling height of four meters, and internet access. Artificial intelligence with advanced algorithms streamlines the placement of goods and bins, optimizing the handling of orders and shipments.
“We have extensive experience in retail and recognized a clear need for simpler warehouse automation solutions. Most players in the market aren’t large enough to justify investments in inventory management systems that exceed their revenue,” says the CEO.
“Allerede i vårt første møte leverte Cody ideer for løsninger, så vi var aldri i tvil om at de hadde den erfaringen vi søkte for å designe det endelige produktet.” – Arnor Jonasson, daglig leder Blue Robot
Industrialized products
Two and a half years ago, Blue Robot engaged dedicated and experienced developers who worked purposefully to develop the prototype for automation. To industrialize the concept into a reliable operational solution, Blue Robot chose to enter into a close collaboration with Cody.
– We were invited to further develop and industrialize the mechanical part of the concept, says Magnus S. Larsen, Sales Manager at Cody. – Based on our in-depth expertise in mechanical design, automation, and industrial IT, we have created a solution that meets the customer’s requirements, with a simple interface to their control system. We specialize in quickly understanding customers’ needs and realizing ideas that ensure increased production and good profitability.
– Already in our first meeting, Cody delivered ideas for solutions, so we never doubted that they had the experience we sought to design the final product. After just under three months, Cody had the solution ready, and now the first system is fully operational with the customer, says Arnor Jonasson.

Large impact area
Blue Robot AS finds that their technology for automated warehouse and picking systems is highly sought after in both the Norwegian and international markets.
– We believe we are hitting the market well precisely because the solutions are easy to install, adapt, and operate. With high integration capability with existing software and hardware, the customer quickly becomes operational and can run efficient and cost-saving logistics, concludes Jonasson.
Read more about the collaboration between Blue Robot and Cody in Teknisk Ukeblad and on Blue Robot's website.

Magnus is our Chief Business Development Officer, and with his experience in both mechanical design, automation, project management, and sales, he has full control over what Cody can deliver. He also delves deep into the Machinery Directive, CE marking, and harmonized standards to ensure that what we deliver complies with laws and regulations.