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It would be madness not to apply for this job

We continue to grow in line with increased demand for our services. This spring we had the pleasure of welcoming another new employee to Cody! Anders Laursen is our new Project Manager, and he saw no other option than to apply when he saw the vacancy, even though he was not necessarily looking for a new job.

Anders has a bachelor's degree in electronics from Porsgrunn, and has extensive experience as a project manager. Most recently from Malthe Winje, where he worked a lot on water, sewage and industry, with design and programming. A varied role he thrived in, but then he came across the job advertisement as project manager in Cody.

- It was a coincidence that I saw that ad. I had heard of Cody before, and quickly came to the conclusion that it would be madness not to apply. Because who wouldn't want to work somewhere where you can fully live the "nerd dream" with machines and equipment as far as the eye can see?, laughs Anders.

Fortunately, the role has been fulfilled, and Anders says he is enjoying himself incredibly well. - There are not such fixed limits to what we do, since we make "one-offs". It's something that triggers an engineer's soul, he smiles.

Great sharing culture

One thing Anders wants to highlight that he is pleasantly surprised by is how all the colleagues happily share their knowledge and experiences with each other. - It's not like you protect your things, which can be a bit typical in this industry. Everyone shares with everyone, it's informal and high ceilings. It's clear that everyone is extremely passionate about what they do, and that's what matters. Everyone has influence and can express their opinions, and is heard.

- I have also learned a lot here, I knew a lot about electronics and control systems, but now I have learned a lot about mechatronics, and gained a greater overview of the subject. I also have a varied working day with both time behind the screen and out in the workshop, he concludes.

Dependent on adaptable employees

- At Cody, we are constantly working with new technologies, new issues and new customers. In our everyday life, assumptions and plans can change quickly, especially in these times of war and pandemic challenges. Then we depend on good project managers with the ability to take good measures when the map no longer matches the terrain. Anders is such a project manager. He has experience with all phases of typical development projects, and contributes strongly to all projects he is involved in. We are super pleased to have Anders on the team, says general manager Ken André Myhra Kihle


Ken André Myhra Kihle

Ken André has a Master's Degree in Cybernetics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has been with Cody since 2016, working with programming, TITAAN, HMI, wireless positioning, quality system and sales. From february 2019 he became CEO of Cody. Ken André is a hobby beer brewer, soccer fan and has a strange taste in music.

+47 992 24 842